DeepGreen Funding


Nationwide funding database

The list of funding programs below is only a partial excerpt from the entire funding landscape in Germany. This list does not claim to be complete or up to date. Funding opportunities are politically determined and can change at any time. Liability for the accuracy of the information in the future is therefore excluded.

Construction project - residential building

Eligible costs: Total construction costs including building operation and technical installations, specialist planning and construction supervision.

Funding amount: €100,000 (without sustainability certificate), €150,000 (with sustainability certificate) per residential unit.

Most important requirements: EH-40 standard, no heating with oil, gas or biomass, earmarking of 10 years.

Application: Before the start of the measure.

Refurbishment - residential buildings

Eligible costs: Investment measures to improve energy efficiency, environmental measures.

Funding amount: Max. €150,000 per residential unit, 5-25% repayment discount, additional bonuses.

Most important requirements: Existing building, efficiency building level of 70 or better.

Eligible costs: Improvements to the building envelope, system technology, heating optimization, connection to the heating network.

Funding amount: Up to €60,000 per residential unit.

Most important requirements: Existing buildings, measures to improve energy efficiency

Eligible costs: Energy consulting for existing residential buildings.

Funding amount: Max. €1,300 for detached or semi-detached houses, 80% of the eligible consultancy fees, max. €1,700 for residential buildings with three or more residential units.

Most important requirements: Existing buildings, energy efficiency improvements.

Eligible costs: Measures to reduce barriers, conversion to the age-appropriate home standard.

Funding amount: €50,000 per residential unit.

Most important requirements: Barrier reduction, minimum technical requirements.

Construction project - non-residential buildings

Eligible costs: construction costs, specialist planning, construction supervision.

Funding amount: €2,000/m² (without sustainability certificate), €3,000/m² (with sustainability certificate), max. €10 million per building.

Most important requirements: EH-40 standard, life cycle analysis (LCA).

Refurbishment - non-residential buildings

Eligible costs: Investment measures to improve energy efficiency, environmental measures.

Funding amount: Max. €2,000 per m² GFA, max. €10 million per project. (credit)

Most important requirements: Existing building, efficiency building level of 70 or better.

Monument protection

Eligible costs: Preservation and restoration of nationally valuable cultural monuments.

Funding amount: Individually agreed.

Most important requirements: Confirmation of national importance, application before the start of the project.

Eligible costs: Preservation of cultural monuments, research work, documentation, planning costs.

Funding amount: At the discretion of the foundation.

Most important requirements: Formal application, statement from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments.

Energy & heat

Eligible costs: transformation plans, feasibility studies.

Funding amount: Up to €2 million, max. 50% of the costs.

Most important requirements: Heating network with at least 16 buildings or 100 residential units, 75% renewable energies for new buildings.

Eligible costs: New construction of heating networks, transformation of existing networks.

Funding amount: Up to €100 million, max. 40% of the costs.

Most important requirements: Heating network with at least 16 buildings or 100 residential units, 75% renewable energies for new buildings.

Eligible costs: solar thermal systems, biomass boilers, heat pumps, pipelines.

Funding amount: Up to €100 million, max. 40% of the costs.

Most important requirements: Application before the start of the project, submission to BAFA.

Eligible costs: Creation of an integrated neighborhood concept, redevelopment management.

Funding amount: 75% of the costs, max. € 210,000 per neighborhood.

Most important requirements: Concept and refurbishment manager with experience.

Mobility & charging infrastructure

Eligible costs: New construction, conversion and expansion of cycling networks, parking facilities.

Funding amount: Up to 75% of the costs, max. €10 million.

Most important requirements: Improvement of the cycling infrastructure, publicly accessible.

Eligible costs: Climate-friendly vehicles, infrastructure for climate-friendly transportation.

Funding amount: Up to €50 million per project.

Most important requirements: Investment in climate-friendly mobility, EU taxonomy conformity.

Environment & Infrastructure

Eligible costs: Natural climate protection measures, circular economy, air pollution control, noise protection.

Funding amount: Up to €25 million, repayment subsidies of 40-60%.

Most important requirements: Compliance with minimum technical requirements, earmarking periods.

Eligible costs: Installation, retrofitting and conversion of refrigeration and air conditioning systems with non-halogenated refrigerants.

Funding amount: Flat rates depending on the measure.

Most important requirements: Operation exclusively with non-halogenated refrigerants.

Eligible costs: Sale of GHG certificates for self-generated solar power.

Subsidy amount: € 0.35 per kWh of solar power generated.

Most important requirements: Self-generated solar power for e-charging infrastructure.

Eligible costs: Use of renewable energies for electricity generation, combined electricity and heat generation.

Funding amount: Loan of up to 100% of the eligible costs, max. €50 million.

Most important requirements: Application before the start of the project.


Eligible costs: Research on sustainable development in construction, architecture and the housing industry.

Funding amount: Non-repayable grants, maximum funding rate of 90% (basic research), 50% (industrial research), 25% (experimental development).

Most important requirements: Two-stage application procedure, submit project outline by 31.05.2024.


Eligible costs: Strategic and investment climate protection projects in municipalities.

Funding level: Up to 70 % of the costs, up to 90 % for financially weak municipalities.

Most important requirements: Application in cooperation with the municipality.

Eligible costs: Model projects in waste disposal, wastewater disposal, energy and resource efficiency.

Funding level: Up to 70 % of the costs, up to 90 % for financially weak municipalities.

Most important requirements: Application in cooperation with the municipality.

Your contact

Ferdinand Popp, Head Of Research