Sustainability is in the essence of DeepGreen Funding. Every day, we support our customers and business partners in making the real estate sector sustainable. But in our internal, day-to-day business processes, there is room for improvement up: we are not perfect and want to take you with us on our personal journey towards a more sustainable future. with us.
Success stories
Our first success this year was in the sustainability pillar Social pillar. We have signed the Diversity Charter, thereby setting an example for diversity in companies. We strive to create an inclusive working environment in which all employees feel comfortable and have already taken action in the past year. As a team, we made time for a very interesting and informative workshop with Agnes Dyszlewski from raumgeben on the topic of Diversity & Inclusion. With regard to a more diverse workforce, the management has set clear targets for the recruitment of new employees and created a strategic framework for implementation. We intend to go into more specific details of our diversity strategy during German Diversity Day 2024. More on this in the following section.
From an ecological perspective, we can draw a positive balance for our business trips and external appointments. Our team uses public transport or electric cars for these trips. In general, we hold many meetings online, often avoiding the need to travel and the associated emissions. In addition, our day-to-day business also takes place mainly digitally, which means we use less paper and can conserve valuable resources. In the long term, we are particularly proud of our open communication culture, which lays the foundation for interesting discussions and constructive feedback on the topic of sustainability at DeepGreen Funding.
Goals of our sustainability strategy
We are on the right track, but we are still far from perfect. Our internal sustainability strategy is the result of this realization, through which we want to continuously improve in this area. We are currently carrying out internal emissions calculations in order to reduce and offset these emissions in a targeted manner and get closer to our goal of CO2 neutrality. We will keep you up to date on this topic - stay tuned. We also want to exchange even more information on the topic of sustainability and regularly include it in our team meetings through surveys and discussions.
As already mentioned, activities are already being planned for the Diversity Day of the Diversity Charter in May to draw attention to this important topic, to actively involve the DeepGreen Funding team in our diversity management and to address the exciting steps of our revised recruiting process.
With regard to all other sustainability targets, we want to let action speak for itself and will provide an update as soon as we have achieved them.
Tips for your everyday life
Would you also like to make your everyday life more sustainable? Whether in your private or professional life, our team has put together tips from three areas to help you get a little closer to your goal:
1.Energy efficiency
Many current discussions revolve around energy supply and energy efficiency. Our energy efficiency consultant Nils Reinhard has a practical tip for you:
"When it comes to electricity, it certainly makes sense to choose a supplier of green electricity. However, you don't suddenly only consume electricity from wind turbines or tidal power plants. The electricity mix from the socket is still generated with CO2 emissions. I only run my fridge on level 2 of 7. It cools much more efficiently and uses less electricity. My food still stays fresh for a long time."
- Nils Reinhard, energy efficiency consultant at DeepGreen Funding
Although cars and trucks have become more efficient and greenhouse gas emissions from transport have initially fallen as a result, according to the Federal Environment Agency, total emissions are currently higher than in 1995. This is due to the increased number of trucks. Nevertheless, greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced overall in order to achieve climate targets and protect our environment.
"To get around in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way, I walk or cycle most of the way and use public transport for longer distances." - Konrad Glade from the project management team
When it comes to nutrition, there are a few points that can be taken into account. Purchasing has a significant influence here. On the one hand, vegan products are usually more environmentally friendly than animal products.
"I lived vegan for several years. Even though I no longer stick to it 100% out of pragmatism and convenience and make regular exceptions, my time as a vegan has taught me that it is possible and not difficult at all. I am convinced that even as a 50% vegan, I have a positive effect on the environment, CO2 emissions and animal welfare, without being dogmatic and making life difficult for myself." - Senior Project Manager Hannes Steinrück
Shopping with as little packaging as possible is also advisable: reusable fruit and vegetable nets can provide a simple remedy here.
It continues at the checkout: often one of the many jute bags you already own is forgotten and another one is purchased for the collection. Rescue is at hand with our next tip:
"I always hang a shopping bag right by my front door so I can't forget it." - Merle Pundt from the marketing team
It's easier with drinking water: here tap water is always the most environmentally friendly and also the cheapest alternative.
For more tips and news about sustainability, funding and financing models, take a look at our Instagram page or subscribe to our LinkedIn newsletter.
Our headquarters are located at Siegfriedstraße 8, 80803 Munich.
Our accommodation is at Gipsstraße 5, 10119 Berlin.